2017.06.22 LCOO General

2017.06.22 LCOO General


at UTC 1400: | See it in your timezone: http://bit.ly/2t3KZ3g  | iCalendar

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Discussion items

1Specialization Status/Next Steps for Collaboration
1.1Extreme TestingGautamSampath has a dev proposal. Sundar to set up a call with gautham and sampath to add/update proposal and help move user story along.


  1. Keystone PTL - request for feedback

FW PolicyRBAC Feedback.msg

All - Please provide feedback for Lance here: Feedback Request from Keystone PTL
Just edit and put your comments in-line with the copy of the email message there.

2. RBAC Development Proposal kickoff - Proposing to begin working on a Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Enhancement Development Proposal. Is there interest in collaborating? Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) Development ProposalWorking Space for the RBAC Enhancement Development Proposal



AT&T NTT will collaborate on an RBAC Dev Proposal; seeking more collaborators. AT&T will commit to participating in this and dedicate resources to the effort. We will make an invitation through Operators and UC mailing lists.

Next Step: Seeking Collaborators, Plan a kickoff

Related wiki pages:

Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) Development Proposal


Working Space for the RBAC Enhancement Development Proposal



Proposing to begin working on a Logging Enhancement Development Proposal. Is there interest in collaborating? The Logging working group would like to collaborate with LCOO on the Development Proposal.


Seeking LCOO members to participate. AT&T will commit to participating in this and dedicate resources to the effort.

Next Steps: Seeking Collaborators, Plan a kickoff

Related wiki pages:

Error Codes, Faults, Logging Enhancement Development Proposal


Working Space for the Error Codes, Faults, Logging Enhancement Development Proposal


Valet Introduction Session - Request from AT&T to introduce Valet to LCOO members and provide an Overview session for those with an interest. Valet is an OpenStack project which is currently under development.


Valet is a cloud resource placement optimization service. Valet gives OpenStack the ability to optimize cloud resources while simultaneously meeting a cloud application's QoS requirements. Through model driven orchestration, the target state of Valet is to provide “holistic OpenStack data-plane resource placement”. Valet provides an api service, a placement optimizer (Ostro), a high availability data storage and persistence layer (Music), and a set of OpenStack plugins.

Why Valet exists:

For large-scale, multi-tenant cloud operators, there is a large demand for tenant specific service requests. This demand drives the growth of the number of cloud availability zones and compartmentalization of the cloud, which then leads to increased provisioning and sub-optimal use of cloud and staff resources. Also, security requirements lead us to place specialized network appliances of these tenants separately into “exclusive” hosts that do not have internet connectivity.

Valet responds to the challenges outlined above by enhancing OpenStack Nova scheduling to develop resource management optimization. By planning the placement of all the cloud resources for an application in a holistic manner, there is opportunity to reduce cross-rack traffic, reduce resource fragmentation, and save on operating costs.

AndyWill schedule a separate session to provide a Valet Overview
1.5Kolla Introduction Session - Desire by LCOO to hear more about various CCP (containerized control plane) projectsJamey
  • Jamey McCabe Will setup a Doodle for 3 weeks out with choices
2LCOO General Coordination


Announcements - Standing agenda Item - Chance for attendees to briefly educate/celebrate

UC and TC are investigating a SIG model to bring user and project teams together better.  How does this mesh or change the LCOO WG? http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2017-June/002145.html

The Fog Edge Massively Distributed Cloud Workign Group was yesterday. http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/fog_edge_massively_distributed_clouds/2017/.  They had asked us to attend to explain Extreme Testing.  This did not make the agenda, though Sampath did join.  

Agreed we as LCOO need to support and attend.  Jamey had missed yesterdays session also..  Jamey also promised to complete the work to get cross WG monthly meetings going to ensure activies like the FEMDC are well coordianted with LCOO's.

  • Jamey McCabe followup to ensure if on next agenda on 8/2 and inform LCOO Sampath and Gautam if they need to attend that one.

Attendance at today's session by NTT, Intel and AT&T.
  • Jamey McCabe Followup with other LCOO organizations to see if desire to collaborate still exists or there is scheduling conflicts.

Action items


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