Error Codes, Faults, Logging Enhancement Development Proposal

Error Codes, Faults, Logging Enhancement Development Proposal



Error Codes, Faults, Logging Enhancement Development Proposal

Gerrit Review

User Story Tracker

Jira Link

LCOO-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Andrew Ukasick, Jill Sales (Unlicensed), Hank Greene (Unlicensed),

Other Related Materials


NOTE: This page mirrors the Development Proposal template which is a required initial artifact of the Community's 'Develoment Proposal' process: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProductTeam/Development_Proposals 

Problem Description

Problem Definition 

This section is mandatory. Please use it to provide additional details (if available) about your Development Proposal (if warranted) for further expansion for clarity. A detailed description of the problem. This should include the types of functions that you expect to run on OpenStack and their interactions both with OpenStack and with external systems.


This section is mandatory. Use this section to give opportunity details that support why pursuing this Development Proposal would help address key barriers to adoption or operation. Some examples of information that might be included here are applicable market segments, workloads, user bases, etc. and any associated data.

Requirements Specification

Use Cases 

This section is mandatory. You may submit multiple use cases in a single submission as long as they are inter-related and can be associated with a single epic and/or function. If the use cases are explaining goals that fall under different epics/themes then please complete a separate submission. For Personas see: http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/ux-ui-guidelines/ux-personas.html 
• As Rey the Cloud Operator I want to…
• As…

As Rey the Cloud Operator, I would like to..

Reference: OpenStack UX Personas.

Usage Scenarios Examples

This section is mandatory. In order to explain your use cases, if possible, provide an example in the form of a scenario to show how the specified user type might interact with the use case and what they might expect. An example of a usage scenario can be found at http://agilemodeling.com/artifacts/usageScenario.htm of a currently implemented or documented planned solution.

Scenario 1:

Acceptance Criteria

This section is mandatory. In order to define completed implementation of a use case (user story), provide detailed definitions of acceptance criteria for these use cases. This should include where applicable the specific project set appropriate, the user focused experience and in some cases references to types of specific artifacts.

Related Development Proposals

This section is mandatory. If there are related Development Proposals and/or user stories that have some overlap in the problem domain or that you perceive may partially share requirements or a solution, reference them here.



This section is optional. It might be useful to specify additional requirements that should be considered but may not be apparent through the use cases and usage examples. This information will help the development be aware of any additional known constraints that need to be met for adoption of the newly implemented features/functionality. Use this section to define the functions that must be available or any specific technical requirements that exist in order to successfully support your use case. If there are requirements that are external to OpenStack, note them as such. Please always add a comprehensible description to ensure that people understand your need.

External References

This section is optional. Please use this section to add references for standards or well-defined mechanisms. You can also use this section to reference existing functionality that fits your Development Proposal outside of OpenStack. If any of your requirements specifically call for the implementation of a standard or protocol or other well-defined mechanism, use this section to list them.

Rejected Use Cases / Usage Scenarios
