2017.09.28 LCOO General

2017.09.28 LCOO General


at UTC 1400: | See it in your timezone: http://bit.ly/2xgdgHa |

LCOO General meetings are held in 3 ways:

  1. here in Atlassian Wiki for the formal agenda and notes and action items. 
  2. for audio and video interaction Join Skype Meeting      Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App Join by phone  8443439499 (USA, Global)   Conference ID: 3747438 | Help  
  3. IRC: for those who cannot join via audio or prefer interactive english text/ability to translate we also use IRC.  It is scheduled to the #openstack-meeting channel at this time. 



Discussion items

1Specialization Status/Next Steps for Collaboration - Standing Topic
1.1Extreme Testing Post PTG next steps

Positive outcomes from PTG. Project will be called "Eris". 

New resources for project Eris:

Resiliency Studio is now Open Source: https://github.com/att/Resiliency-Studio

  • Jamey, Sundar, Sampath, Guatam - begin process to be included as a SIG
2LCOO General Coordination -  Standing Topic

2.1Announcements - Standing agenda Item - Chance for attendees to briefly educate/celebrate


Sydney Planning Pad: Sydney Summit Attendee and Contact Info

Sydney Forum Proposals:  http://forumtopics.openstack.org 


Next Steps for LCOO session in 2nd Year - following 1st Year Board Meeting  2017.08.30 1st year review/stakeholders meeting

  • What should LCOO 2.0 be?
  • Brainstorm format changes
  • Recruiting plans/targets
  • etc.

See proposal in right column as a seed for discussion

Proposed new meeting protocol (draft)

  1. Hold monthly Topic focused meetings:
    1. Member companies come prepared to present information (initatives, challenges, priorities, successes, opportunities, etc) on the topic. All (willing) members would take turns presenting on the topic.
    2. Each meeting is dedicated to a single topic of interest (For ex, month 1 is Edge, month 2 security, etc.)
    3. Allow time within each presentation for questions.
    4. Allow time at the end for general discussion.
    5. Any follow-up/collaboration should emerge organically among the participants out of a recognized opportunity for mutual benefit. There would not be an expectation of follow-up/collaboration.
    6. Possible outcomes include formation of SIG's, new projects, simple relationship building, etc., or nothing.
    7. Follow-up meetings would be planned and conducted on the side, ad hoc and by the interested parties for as long as needed until the course is run. The monthly topical meeting schedule and cadence would not change.
  2. On the alternate weeks the lcoo coordinators (our current regular attendees) from each member will meet to:
    1. Review and prioritize topic proposals.
    2. Engage key contacts from member companies and secure commitments to present/participate.
    3. Publish topics far enough in advance to allow members to draw in the key people to present & discuss for that subject.
    4. Plan the topical session schedule & meeting logistics:
      1. Prepare & publish specific agendas.
      2. Coordinate general meeting logistics like conference bridges, etc.
      3. Prepare and distribute promotional information about upcoming topical sessions.
      4. Capture, share and maintain key artifacts, contacts and learnings by topic in the wiki. For example, maintain organized copies of each presentation, an /wiki/spaces/LCOO/pages/16621272, meeting minutes, etc.).
      5. Host/Facilitate the meetings (perhaps a rotating responsibility?) .
      6. During the meeting watch for synergies. Where they emerge, assist the interested parties in organizing and conducting any desire follow-up, tool needs like the LCOO wiki, Jira, Slack, etc. Serve as "community guides" helping orient any newbies to community culture and functional norms.
    5. Get updates on any collaborations which may be underway (in their own side meetings).
    6. Maintain LCOO tools like our Confluence Wiki and Jira. Arrange for and assist any collaborations underway in their use.
    7. Coordinate LCOO engagement at Community Events.
    8. Share info/awareness about upcoming community events, what's happening in other working groups, or anything else that may be happening in the community and of interest.
    9. Generally drive the bus and keep it running down the road.

Some related subjects needing discussion/decisions:

  • Length of meetings, logistics (ex.Skype vs. WebEx vs. Zoom?) 
  • A standard Agenda structure/timing 
    • we can create agenda discussion page on confluence and propose topics there and discuss at the coordination meeting. Shintaro Mizuno (Unlicensed)
  • Marketing of the Topical sessions? 
  • Should this be a means to do new member recruiting? Who to target? If so, how? 
    • If any company has vendors or other operators who are already working on a proposed agenda item, they can invite their partners to the meeting to create a wider team for the topic. Shintaro Mizuno (Unlicensed)
  • Do we need to revise our Charter? Wiki page? If so how?
    • Jamey McCabe volunteering to start this as a Wikipage here so input can be added by all. Finalize by 10/12 LCOO session.
  • How do we overall reinvent ourselves into LCOO 2.0?  Use Sydney to promote?
    • We can use Sydney WG session if we can have one.
  • How do we relate to SIGs?
    • Once the topic is agreed, we can create a SIG to attract wider members (including devs/ops) from the community. Shintaro Mizuno (Unlicensed)

Action Items:

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Action items


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