2017.08.31 LCOO General

2017.08.31 LCOO General


at UTC 1400: | See it in your timezone: http://bit.ly/2smyF1g | iCalendar:

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Discussion items

1Specialization Status/Next Steps for Collaboration
2LCOO General Coordination

2.1Announcements - Standing agenda Item - Chance for attendees to briefly educate/celebrate

3OpenDev Conference 

AT&T will have 3 people there:
Kandan Karthirvel (kandan.kathirvel@att.com)  +1 (848) 225-5078
Alan Meadows (alan.meadows@att.com)  +1 (510) 755-1478
Rodolfo Pacheco (rjpu@att.com)  +1 (732) 533-7671

SKT will be there; Jae will attend

NTT will also join. 3 people.
Masahisa Kawashima, Shunsuke Yura, Shintaro Mizuno (shintaro1018-at-gmail.com or mizuno.shintaro-at-lab.ntt.co.jp).

Charter will have Brandon Jozsa there.  (bjozsa@jinkit.com)

3.1PTG Plans 

AT&T will have ~15 people at the PTG

NTT will have 5 people

Charter will have 2 people (maybe 3)

4OpenStack-Helm, Armada

Brandon Jozsa wants to get some Charter people working on OpenStack-Helm and Armada, but it may be helpful to be more clear with the roadmap (using OpenStack tools such as Launchpad/Storyboard). This will enable others to contribute more clearly. A Helpful point may be to have a public cadence for completing stories. There are still internal meetings that leave other interested community members out. It may be helpful to allow other interested, non-AT&T people to lead in different areas (starting small to build trust in the overall OSH community). 

Members who have proposed to contribute to OSH (if the project was brought into OpenStack) are not participating (TripleO, some Rackspace). It would be nice to find out why they're not contributing now that the project is in OpenStack as promised, or what is holding them back from contributing. The project was added to OpenStack because future contributors said that it would be easier for them to contribute.

Should be using Storyboard for OpenStack-Helm. Not using it makes it difficult for others to take on work items. 

Losing potential contributors (Red Hat, Lenovo, some Rackspace...)

Brandon would like to lead an LCOO session (or series?) taking a deep dive into OpenStack-Helm's approach to container orchestration, why, how, etc.  We want to give NTT a chance to see OpenStack-Helm before the OpenDev conference.

  • Schedule an LCOO OpenStack-Helm session prior to the PTG. Brandon will lead the session. 

Monday morning Sept 4th US time are potential options.  Tuesday evening US time is an option as well.  Shintaro will check schedules with his people and let us know.  

5Next regular LCOO Meeting will fall on the PTG. Agreed to reschedule it for 9/21 instead.

Action items


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