2017.04.27 LCOO Coordiantor


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  • Finalize any logistics to advance LCOO at the Boston Summit or Queens Forum

Discussion items

1Announcements - Standing agenda Item - Chance for attendees to briefly educate/celebrate

LCOO promo - Approve and give ideas for a short series of graphics about LCOO to feature in AT&T Booth at the Marketplace and all of our interactions such as 1x1 conversations and 3 WG sessions


Things we should have in promo messaging:

Why should you join, benefits:

  • devops perspective
  • support for projects
  • what does bringing it to LCOO mean (not a trap or an exclusive deal)and
  • List of members (nascar slide) and a brief contribution description.
  • promote some items being worked on

  • Andrew Ukasick to finalize a few slides and share
  • Related to Jamey and Shilla's task to have buttons and stickers to give out
  • 8x4 sheet with condensed version of slides
3Resolve/assign people to topics with conflicts in Boston Large Contributing OpenStack Operators Queens Forum Planning PadJamey
  • All finish your planning for Summit/Forum attendance. Add your name to the LCOO planning pad for those session you are going to attend.
  • If attending a Forum session, add some lines of topic - key part of getting LCOO feedback into the process is to put it on the agenda
  • Scan for times therer are meeting conflicts and be prepared to divide those up amongst ourselves so we have LCOO coverage at all important sessions

Maximize LCOO participation in Forum's via  Etherpad Tagging:

Use of ##<hashtag>:

** Use ##<hashtag> to highlight actionable items or something that need attention from a specific project team or working group
** This help the Forum team to aggregate data and produce post-forum summary report
Recommended hashtag: 

  • ##newfeature - Proposal for a new feature, similar to RFE
  • ##gap - Feature gap that does not have a solution yet
  • ##uservoice - Feedback from users and operators
  • ##painpoint - Functional challenges/problems (either real or perceived) in operating openstack cloud (e.g. upgrade is painful, root-cause analysis is complex)
  • ##<workload-type> - Any new or existing workload for OpenStack, examples of workload-related hashtag can be ##nfv, ##hpc, ##enterprise, ##bigdata, ##iot, or a new workload type you identify
  • ##<project-name> - Items that need action/attention from a specific OpenStack projects (e.g. ##nova, ##neutron, ##glance, etc)
  • ##<working-group/team-name> - Items that need action/attention from a specific OpenStack working groups/teams (e.g. ##lcoo, ##pwg, ##ewg, ##publiccloud, ##interop, ##uc, ##tc, ##board, ##foundation)

etherpad links https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum/Boston2017

  • All study up on the hashtag approach to the left and use in your preparations for the Forums (i.e. as you schedule yourself intot them) and be prepared to participate in the Forums day of by using them
  • Pull ##lcoo hashtags after the forum to use in lcoo roadmap discussions going forward

Action items
