2017.11.16 LCOO General

2017.11.16 LCOO General


at UTC 1400: | See it in your timezone and add to your calendar: http://bit.ly/2jsO5hr

LCOO General meetings are held in 3 ways:

  1. here in Atlassian Wiki for the formal agenda and notes and action items. 
  2. for audio and video interaction Join WebEx meeting Meeting number (access code): 591 354 429
    Join by phone +1-210-795-1110 US Toll  +1-866-662-9987 US Toll Free Global call-in numbers |
    Can't join the meeting?
  3. IRC: for those who cannot join via audio or prefer interactive english text/ability to translate we also use IRC.  It is scheduled to the #openstack-meeting channel at this time. 



Discussion items

1general Announcements

IRC channel mixed up with Nova team. 1400UTC

  • Jamey McCabe fix IRC reservation for this meeting so it doesn't conflict.

Accomplishments, lesson learned and next steps from Sydney Summit

Was Birds of a Feather not needed or maybe too early?

BoF was useful to let interested LCOO members get to know each other.

ERIS project had a couple of dedicated sessions and will move forward to start a SIG. 

  • all, please read and feel free to contribute to SIG proposal: OpenStack SIG Proposal -draft-
  • have any of you appropriate staff in this space to Join SIG mailing list http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-sigs to be included in [ERIS] e-mail discussion
  • monitor and bring any SME's to participate as the SIG meetings are scheduled. Wil publish in our meeting board and unless things change hold them like our LCOO general meetings in terms of conference bridge and IRC

- Specific topics for at least the next two (3 would be better) Topical sessions LCOO Topical Session Proposals

- Set dates AND TIMES for the next 2-3 topical sessions. Can we adopt a rotation of meeting times that is more equitable to all?

Did not get past first topical to a second or 3rd.  Did discuss timing of meetings, reminding that we can't easily just move the current meeting time 1 hour or so back and forth as it's mostly an issue that it is already late for Japan and Korea and  too early for California.  See general timezones of our members laid out at bottom of: LCOO Communication Plan.  Did agree to debate this further in Slack #general channel.

- Set the agenda for next 2-3 topical session.

- - - What is the objective for the topic (what do we hope to get out of it?)?

We debated both the general level of detail we wil want in topical sessions and as example came up with 1st topical session scope.  In general the agreement was we need to have enough detail/objective that SMEs (subject matter experts) would be presenting items that other orgs could start participating in.  At the same time we don't want to be too limited in the agenda so other SMEs from other organizations can also add their desires and related efforts. 

As example and specifically for security topical session - Objectives could be:

Objective #1 RBAC(Role Based Access Control)  -

  Topic #1 What projects are needed? Patrole (RBAC testing) came out LCOO in 2016, what is needed, more on Patrole or new projects? 

  Topic #2 Moon (OPNFV project providing an External Policy Decision Point with associated developments already embedded in Keystone roadmap) .

  Topic #3 oslo.policy is a library for RBAC for OpenStack projects (but not yet commonly used)

Objective #2 Security screening - Additional projects/tools or entry into the CI process needed to screen core projects or all projects for security vulnerabilities.

Objective #3 Security frameworks we need to comply with. Next steps - list session to continue from Austin on this topic

Objective#4 Key Management

- - - How long should the meeting be? Different topics might call for longer or shorter meetings.

2 hours

- - - Who will the presenters be (get commitments)

For 11/30: Patrole area - AT&T, Moon from Orange,

In general: Always have presenters/SME arranged at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Presenters from more than  1 member, ideally 2 per topical session.

- - - What is specifically being asked of the presenters?

To create a discussion document ahead of time and lead the meeting for that discussion.  They would lead any subsequent discussions after the meeting.  

- - - How much time will each presenter have?

30 minutes

- - - What is the order/flow and the allotted times for each agenda item?

10min to get meeting started

20 min each SME (hopefully at least 1 from each member company) to introduce themselves and their interest/challenges

2x30min discussions

30 min Open discussion/next steps

- - - Who will be the Facilitator (host / master of ceremonies) for each Topical session?

For Nov 30: Marc and Jamey to determine

Not discussed in general: Proposed it be facilitated by coordinator from one of the teams bringing in SME to lead discussion.

- - - etc.

- Decide on how Topical sessions will be promoted. Things like:

- - - Who is the target audience?

- - - How/why should the topic appeal to them? What do they need to know?

- - - how to describe the sessions, the topic, etc.

- - - when/where announcements will be made and how often

- - - are there any specific companies/contacts to reach out to individually?

- - - etc.

- Logistics:

- - - should each speakers supporting materials (slides, etc.?) be posted in advance for advance review?

- - - How should Q&A be handled? Can people begin submitting questions/comments prior to the session? How should people ask questions during the presentation (just speak up? Raise hand? Write them in a group Chat?)?

- - - Do we need a dedicated wiki page(s) for each topical session? Should we use etherpads?

- - - Who will be responsible for coordinating any follow-up?

- - - How will any potential follow-up be handled? Who will be the 'Lead'?

- - - Do we need to take and publish notes? If so, who and how?

- - - Should attendees 'sign-in' and provide us with their contact info? Should there be a post meeting communication sent to attendees? Presenters? OpenStack Community?

- - - Do we record sessions?? Maybe post recordings on YouTube?

- - - Should any of this be thought of as confidential?? Do we need to make any announcements/disclaimers during the session?

- - - etc.

 - Do we (the LCOO Coordinators) need an additional meeting before the first Topical session? Or will we be ready to go?

We set the agenda for only the next meeting: see Objective #1 bolded section in the text to the left.  Had some agreement on other items as well such as making it a 2 hour session in webex and the flow of the agenda and always having at least 2 members to bring SMEs to lead discussion on specific topics.

Next steps:

for all since we ran out of time in today's meeting:

  • start detailing additional objectives and potential SME discussion leaders for meetings to follow.  We would finalize at the 12/14 General meeting.  Likely the date for Topical session #2 would be January 4.
  • Continue to put in proposed answers to the items to the left.
  - Decide on a web-meeting tool to replace Skype for business:
  Agreed on Webex to replace Skype for Business for LCOO general and topical sessions

- How will we introduce the new "LCOO 2.0" to the Community?

- - - Updates to the LCOO openstack.org wiki page

- - - Email lists

- - - Do we need to go before the User Committee again??

- - - How to introduce/market the whole 'Topical Sessions' idea

- - - etc.

  This was not covered in today's meeting

Action items

    • http://bit.ly/2zxdeeJ

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