Eris - Extreme Testing Framework for OpenStack

Eris - Extreme Testing Framework for OpenStack

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Eris - Greek Greek goddess of strife and discord   Eris: Greek goddess of strife and discord (and dwarf planet)

Formal OpenStack Submissions/efforts/projects

TypeShort DescriptionURL
Development Proposal

This development proposal is accepted and being run by Sampath Priyankara and this page and JIRA item are meant to facilitate collaboration from other interested staff.

SpecificationSpecification for new HA testing project.  This pre-existing specification is being adopted under the Development proposal and Sampath has requested our assistance in review.https://review.openstack.org/#/c/443504/


Upcoming working sessions

DateJoint Meeting Page x-refCoordinator
10/252017.11.01 Speciality-Extreme TestingJamey McCabe

Task List and Current Status

 Based on the discussions 1 and 2 we had in Boston , some of us start to work on following Tasks.

 Todo: Create work items for each item below in the Eris Jira Project which is a dedicated JIRA project that has been created for managing the various work items through their life-cycle.

Task DescriptionAssigneesStatusReference
Define the test scenariosDefine the test scenarios in details. This includes, what to test, how to test and how to evaluate.Sampath PriyankaraWIP

Some of them are here.

WIP for one with more details on tests.

Gautam Divgi (Unlicensed) added more docs which Sundar Krishnamoorthy (Deactivated) had posted on an earlier link. Keeping things in one place for easier reference.

Tool selectionBased on test cases, select the optimal tool set or identify the tools need build from the scratch.

Sampath Priyankara

Gautam Divgi

Yukinori Sagara

@Tushar Patil

Existing tool survey

Yukinori Sagara and @Tushar Patil start the survey with Stepler and Could 99 other OSS solutions listed here.

Gautam Divgi is working with Resiliency Studio. (Make Resiliency Studio public or provide necessary details for other to proceed with tool selection)

Gautam Divgi (Unlicensed) Completed a tools survey results are in the ppt below.

Test Framework architectureBased on above tools, define the detail architecture for test framework.Sampath Priyankara

initial draft

Test target architectureArchitecture of the test target cloud and deployment method.Sampath Priyankara

initial draft

Project ProposalsWork with QA team and Create new project for framework.Sampath PriyankaraQA spec under review


ImplementationCreate needed new tools, test codes.NoneNot StartedNone

Other related materials

x-refMaterials or URLSubmitter (for more info)
Tools Selection and some thoughts on design

Test Scenario Definition

Sundar Krishnamoorthy (Deactivated) (Inserting the word documents that Sundar had posted in meeting notes)

Team members: Add your name here to be included in activities and be notified as this page evolves

Jamey McCabe, Sampath Priyankara Sundar Krishnamoorthy (Deactivated)Gautam Divgi (Unlicensed), Andrew Ukasick

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