2017.10.26 LCOO General

2017.10.26 LCOO General


at UTC 1400: | See it in your timezone and add to your calendar: http://bit.ly/2h8yIXA 

LCOO General meetings are held in 3 ways:

  1. here in Atlassian Wiki for the formal agenda and notes and action items. 
  2. for audio and video interaction
    1. Join WebEx meeting  Meeting number (access code): 595 174 723  if needed: Join by phone +1-210-795-1110 US Toll  Can't join the meeting?
  3. IRC: for those who cannot join via audio or prefer interactive english text/ability to translate we also use IRC.  It is scheduled to the #openstack-meeting channel at this time. 



Discussion items


Sydney Planning for LCOO : Sydney Summit Attendee and Contact Info and Sydney Summit LCOO Member Sessions and Sessions of Interest

Some quick points we need to finalize:

  1. Recruiting activities in Sydney - agree on 1x1 and social event - Social sponsored by Red Hat and will be Monday 7:30-9PM
  2. Strategy Session for members - Hoping to have a session as a follow-on to August Board meeting.  Proposed Agenda to be sent out soon.  Still looking for an appropriate timeslot late on Monday but before the social event.
  3. We have a WG session already scheduled for Wednesday.  Shintaro to facilitate.  https://www.openstack.org/summit/sydney-2017/summit-schedule/events/20532/lcoo-wg-session
  4. Should we have a "birds of a feather" - who can facilitate. 

Link below is the Etherpad for the LCOO working group session scheduled for Wednesday (#3 point to the right).  It should operate like a face to face topical discussion.  This worked well as breakouts in Boston. 


Review "LCOO 2.0" slide deck for Sydney Summit

I've been working on new slides for sharing at the Sydney Summit when explaining what LCOO is, how we work, etc., for recruiting or other purposes at the Summit. In leu of the decisions recently made about being more focused on information exchange and discussion, new meeting structure, etc., I've tried to express what the LCOO's new 'mission' is, the roles, meeting types and cadence, etc., are.   – Andrew Ukasick


Moved to separate page here: First Draft LCOO 2.0

  • All - please provide feedback, rewording, take out etc. recommendations on this page

Next Steps for LCOO sessions in 2nd Year

LCOO Working Group - Year 2 Approach

Topics to be prioritized for these sessions: LCOO Topical Session Proposals

Please comment and edit there

From previous  LCOO call: Proposed that for upcoming schedule we:

  • Fill in the Topical Sessions before 10/26
  • on 10/26 LCOO meeting we prioritize and choose first sesions topics
  • on 11/16 we have first topical session

Agreed that the topic's Security and Enabling Containerized OpenStack are the top prioritized items.  ANdy already added a column to the Topical Session Proposal page for more detailed suggestions.

  • Those who will be in Sydney - be prepared to represent the TOpical Sessions proposal page with Executives that are in attendance and merge with any of their suggestions in the Strategy session. 
  • Jamey McCabe to setup Etherpad type pages for each of the sessions so we can start to draft out specific proposed topics
  • Jamey McCabe to setup the first topical call for 1300-1430 UTC on 11/16.  Will take the place of the 11/16 General meeting earlier sent out.

Action items


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