2017.01.26 Roadmap Logistics Sub-team Meeting

2017.01.26 Roadmap Logistics Sub-team Meeting


  UTC 1900  http://bit.ly/2jZ6Qbg

JIRA Setup Discussion.ics



  • Walk-through Intel’s setup of JIRA. Sonu will walk us through this.
  • Discuss how best for LCOO to utilize our JIRA instance

Discussion items

30 minworkflow and then screen demo of the OSIC JIRA UseSonu
 20 minConversation about the Walmart and LCOO use of JIRA and reporting capabilitiesAndy, Megan, Sonu 

Action items

  • Extend invite for the next 2 LCOO and product working group exploratory sessions to other roadmap coordinators. Andrew Ukasick