Ocata Scope Tracker

Ocata Scope Tracker

This page was imported from and replaces: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/LCOO-OcataScopeTracker

Following are the Ocata Summit (Barcelona October 2016) generated proposed scope items for LCOO contribution.  This page is intended to help us combine our efforts and track the items through the Ocata release time.  It is anticipated that for future time periods we will have more sophisticated tools to include the LCOO Roadmap Jira tracker and the product working groups User Story tracker, but this is our workaround for now.




  1. Gluon
    1. Looking for more collaboration by other LCOO members:
    2. Team available in IRC channel #openstack-gluon
    3. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Gluon/Tasks-Ocata
  2. RBAC Testing - Tempest Plugin/Utility (AT&T): instead of Plugin the Tempest PTL has suggested a new Project now created called Patrole
    1. David Purcell of AT&T and Samantha Blanco have been added to Core Team.  Pushing up code for the framework now.  After that, we should devote several people to migrating the tests already written internally for mos-kilo to Patrole. Contact david.purcell@att.com.  
    2. Will promote AT&T to be present in LCOO Slack channel for #testing and recommend collaborators to start there
    3. Here is the launchpad link: https://launchpad.net/patrole
    4. The Gerrit reviews for OpenStackproject-infrastructure and governance: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/409317/andhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/409843/
    5. The original spec review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382672/
    6. No official documentation created yet
  3. Containerization of Control Plane - Kolla-Kubernetes-Helm
    1. Brandon Jozsa (bjozsa@att.com) looking for collaborators on Kolla related Proof of Concept,  Currently creating Helm charts for each of the OpenStack Components
      1. Collaboration active between AT&T and Intel occurrring in Slack #Container-OpenStack
      2. This is in essence next steps from Stackanetes Demo from Austin Summit which is here: https://coreos.com/blog/stackanetes-openstack-on-k8s-prototype.html
      3. It is an install of Kubernetes - Using Helm to install the additional openstack components
        1. https://github.com/att-comdev/openstack-helm
        2. https://github.com/att-comdev
  4. Other items in AT&T's upstream scope tracker:
    1. In Progress:
      1. Increase Murano unit test coverage to 95 percent or as close as possible.
        1. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/murano-unit-test-coverage
        2. Any other LCOO members using Murano?
        3. ? in meeting - Why is this a focus for AT&T?
    2. Delivered
      1. [Debt]Add Neutron Quota management as a Heat Resource Type
        1. Neutron quota: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/380471/
      2. [Debt]Add Nova Quota management as a Heat Resource Type
        1. Nova quota: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/373548/and
      3. [New] PCI-DSS Notification Reason Field
        1. When using the new PCI-DSS settings in keystone, the current notification system does not
        2. state why a notification was triggered, e.g. a user is locked out due to excessive failed login attempts. This spec seeks to add a reason field to the CADF notification emitted.


  1. Start looking into containerization / kubernetes
  2. Upstream more of our troubleshooting and operational docs upstream
  3. Chargeback/Showback
  4. Leadership in the OpenStack User Committee to make sure OpenStack keeps a strong operator focus by evolving the governance to be more responsive and representative of users
  5. Continuing strong involvement and leadership in the OpenStack Networking community, especially on topics related to network security and quality of service


  1. Containerization of Control Plane - Kolla
  2. Zero downtime upgrade for Core 6  and Ironic (Starting with Ocata and onward)
  3. Scale Testing of Core 6 projects at 500 nodes for reliablity for specifc referene workloads and deployment architecture with injected failures.  Meeting on January 25.
  4. MOP Documentation for Ease of Installing Openstack using Ansible and Kolla


  1. Disruptive testing
    1. user story under review. Had a comment to split the scenario to narrow down the scope of each user story.
    2. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/396142/
      1. We've got +2, so need Workflow+ to get merged. Waiting.
  2. Re-activating Blazar project (from OPNFV Promise project)
    1. We have started this and assigned two members. We've talked to the PTL and got our members in the core team. Have started IRC meeting.
    2. http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Blazar_Team_Meeting
    3. Note: Michael Weinstein (maweinstein@att.com) from AT&T has an interest in this and is a potential contributorInstance
      1. Please join IRC if you have any question.
    4. Added resource reservation scenario to Capacity Management user story (Merged)
      1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/416864/
      2. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/416839/
      3. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/416846/
  3. HA (Masakari Project)
    1. Released v2.0 under the OpenStack repo. Sampath will attend PTG to discuss making this project an official project.
    2. Planning to expand the scope to baremetal(ironic) as well. This is a request from TC to become an official project.
    3. https://github.com/openstack/masakari
    4. https://launchpad.net/masakari
  4. RBAC testing
    1. We have started investigating Patrole project to see if it matches our use case.


  1. BGP VPN and networking. Strong interest from Orange to enable a unified API for connectingNeutron networks witj MPLS based BGP VPNs provided in the WAN. Allows also to use the same API whatever is the SDN Controller used (ODL, Contrail, Nuage..
    1. https://github.com/openstack/networking-bgpvpn
  2. SFC: Network chaining API and implementation in Neutron. Having a single API for service chaining implementationin Neutron (same drivers as above). Support in addition interop with MPLS based BGP VPNs.
    1. https://github.com/openstack/networkig-sfc
  3. Role Based Access Control in Keystone. Two proposals as of today.
    1. Moon: Demo here: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXzIC6eROok&feature=em-upload_owner
      1. Already proposed at OPNFV :https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/moon/Moonand integrated in the  COLORADO Relase
    2. A different proposal by RedHat: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/391624/
  4. Watcher (Antoine Cabot from Bcom may help).
  5. Private VLAN/port isolation provide layer 2 isolation between ports within the same broadcast domain. There are three types of PVLAN ports. You can find more in Cisco documentation (http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/tech/lan-switching/private-vlans-pvlans-promiscuous-isolated-community/index.html) and briefly in Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_VLAN). There is currently ongoing our RFE on RedHat for this feature (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1385491).

Reliance Jio

  1. Destructive testing - Materials and collaboration going on in Slack #testing channel :https://lcoo.slack.com/messages/testing/
  2. Deployment toolset for upgrades 'mk20' salt stack module
  3. RBAC - Keystone v3 and SAML improvements
  4. Service Chaining across different SDN e.g. OpenContrail and OVS


  1. Scheduler/Watcher
  2. Craton Project
  3. Containers
  4. Ansible
  5. Open Source projects


Exploring Magnum to provide Kubernetes Clusters for the Tenants


SK Telecom

  1. OpenStack on Kubernetes: Kolla and Kubernetes
  2. Test Automation
  3. Manilla + GlusterFS