2017.01.27 Roadmap Logistics Sub-team Meeting

2017.01.27 Roadmap Logistics Sub-team Meeting

LCOO and PWG collaboration Deep Dive #1


  1600  UTC  http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

LCOO and PWG collaboration Deep Dive #1.ics

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  • Continuing our discussion on Process, We were going to continue where we left off with a deeper dive that included understanding timelines, etc.

    Discuss how LCOO and PWG can best collaborate. How can LCOO make a valued contribution to OpenStack roadmap?

Discussion items

  PWG Process & Timings 


In New Community schedule/workflow there is an explicit time for gathering developments before the release begins now.

What's the difference between the "Forum", "Summit", "Conference"

The "Forum" is a track within the overall Summit. At the Forum, OpenStack users and developers will gather to brainstorm the requirements for the next release, gather feedback on the past version and have strategic discussions that go beyond just one release cycle. Development teams, working groups and interested individuals will discuss release requirements, connect with community members about cross-project collaboration, and to exchange feedback between design and operations members.

How the old Design Summit has evolved: http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/evolving-openstack-design-summit/

  • Dark blue time to figure out requirements (market and ecosystem development, e.g. python versions, tool changes, opensource ecosystem partner changes etc. in 1 to 2 releases)
  • Middle blue - development cycle
  • Light blue -  time between openstack release and product come to market from vendors
  • Release logo and summit in names and dotted lines are PTG
  • Summits  - 3 things - main stream content (keynotes and tracks), design summit, and ops summit (each had  own  calendars & hard to find things)

LCOO & PWG Collaboration
  • Looking at summit, forum and informal (hope  to have teams eliminate mid-cycles at summit, want to use PTGs to center that work)


  • Forum in Boston would be Queens requirements gathering.
  • Could  have cross design sessions at PTG. 
  • A lot of pre-work to increase probability to get high priority features implemented at time you want.  Intersecting timing if prep work is very challenging.


Action items

  • Need to  overlay level of work that needs to be done for each feature over the timeline above.   What do we want going into Queens?