2017.10.04 Speciality-Extreme Testing

2017.10.04 Speciality-Extreme Testing

Attendees (add yourself to be notified of any changes)


  • Understand needed tasks and assign action items across LCOO staff.  Next steps could include:
    • Assign of JIRA items
    • Documentation cleanup and move to Github
    • SIG assistance

Discussion items


Welcome new sub-team members

no one new joined today
2Follow up on action items: Eris - Extreme Testing Framework for OpenStack and especially the JIra items at: Backlog

Had a lot of discussion around the Jira items created by Gautam Divgi and which and how Sampath Priyankara could start to assign.  Both sides have some additional staff that can help.  Agreed that for the POC effort best if we keep all non essential items in the backlog and at Low prioirity, but of course good to have them there and even ok to enter more.  We dont want to start working them until architecture finalized after POC and Sydney Forums.

Agreed that no items from the backlog should go past the stage of Analysis/Vetting unless approved by Gautam or Sampath

Agreed to use prioirity and keep items in backlog other than the things needed for POC demo in Sydney.

Agreed that both Sampath and Gautam will add comments and adjust priorities in the backlog with an aim to separating out what's required for POC.


Administrative points

  • communication: hangouts, IRC-#openstack-qa, Slack, e-mail or notifications driven here in Atlassian and JIRA

Agreed to go to #opnfv-testperf to discuss with the opnfv folks directly about yardstick, plugfest and HA testing 

Agreed to use lcoo.slack.com/testing for general day to day interactions e.g. what got accomplished today in Japan tIme passed on to team in US and back again 12 hours later.

Agreed to use IRC and #openstack-qa to communicate with Andrea and any other QA team folks.

Agreed this WebEx and weekly meeting time is still good.

meeting notices to e-mail lists #openstack-dev [openstack-dev] [QA]

#openstack-sigs http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-sigs/

Agreed that we would start posting to the Openstack Mailing lists about ERIS and our desire to enter the community/QA team/SIGs as part of our demo and Forum work in Sydney.  Makes sense to starting sending those notices out about 2 weeks before Sydney i.e.

reach out to other active teams? SkTelecom, Red Hat?
see above - not gogint o look for active devs outside AT&T, and NTT unless possibly from SKT until POC is delivered and Sydny discussions occur

Meeting planning appreciated?
Agreed to this ongoing meeting planning.  Any proposed topics send to Jamey McCabe ahead of time or enter it.  Note next agenda already setup (copied) at: 2017.10.11 Speciality-Extreme Testing

Name: Eris versus Extreme Testing - especially for our Confluence wiki pages and Jira
Agreed the whole initiative is called Eris now and it's a replacement for the name Extreme Testing

Rework confluence wiki pages versus design documentation in Github

Agreed to the following

  • Roadmap document in google
  • general document in wiki
  • Anything code/design oriented in github. 
  • Presentation and materials for POC will be in readme. 
  • After POC we will create CI to feed github/documents
4Sydney plans
none new
5Open topics

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