2017.04.25 Speciality-Extreme Testing Development Proposal - Session 2

2017.04.25 Speciality-Extreme Testing Development Proposal - Session 2

April 25 1300UTC.http://bit.ly/2pqH5j2 | 2017.04.25 Speciality-Extreme Testing Development Proposal - Session 2

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  • Understand needed tasks and assign action items across LCOO staff.  Next steps could include:
    • Review progress on Gap Analysis

Discussion items


Sachin Lohe Provided a statsus of AT&T's Resiliency Center (need to get internal approvals) and there was also a good history provided from Reliance Jio's with  past issues with OpenStack and their test case progress in the area. 

AT&T Resiliency center team provided a status that they are in progress of Internal legal review for OpenSourcing their project.  Tentatively ready in 3-4 weeks for an introduction.

Guidelines for establishing a new OpenStack project:  https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/   and   https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators.html


Review action items/results from previous/meeting 1

Sampath could not attend today's session. 

We'll get a written status from Sampath to the frist action item. 

Reminder to the whole LCOO team to the 2nd action item to the left.  Please login to the Gerrit (review.openstack.org) and add a paragraph or 2 of test case/user story (as suggested change) to assist him to the process.