2017.11.29 Specialty ERIS

Held in Sampath Zoom 


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  • finalize rollout/encourage more collaboration through SIG
  • investigate overlap to OpenLabs

Discussion items


1SIG proposal: OpenStack SIG Proposal -draft-

Agreed Sampath Priyankara and Gautam Divgi to update SIG proposal by end of day 11/30.  Jamey to send to the SIG ML and schedule the first session.

Discussion held about overlap to the Self Healing SIG see thread on that here: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-sigs/2017-November/thread.html

2OpenLabs overlap

Melvin briefed that OpenLabs is a new effort that is both a real lab - an effort to put environments together across companies but also and end to end testing facility.

Jamey expressed that it seemed OpenLabs was more focused on orchestration using various upstream tools whereas ERIS and Self Helaing are more focused on failures that the core openstack components should handle.

4Next Steps