Coordinate/Sync with other working groups on Roadmap
Coordinate/Sync with large contributors (ex. RedHat, Mirantis, Huawei, etc.) on Implementation Plans
Level-set on what the purpose of the 'Roadmap Team' meetings will be going forward as we transition to a working sub-teams model.
Agreed that we need to transition to a sub-team model where contribution work is being driven in sub-teams. Sub-team leads would come to the Roadmap Team meetings to provide status updates, discuss strategy, etc. Sub-teams would hold regular meetings for their initiative.
Launching initiative focused Sub-teams sub-teams
High Level Summary of Boston Summit LCOO work stream updates / opportunities
Ops Telecom/NFV team is trying to create a list of existing "production NFV environment" as an reference to other operators. Anyone like to help this? or have any link to related information?
Please come to the Ops Telco/NFV IRC (bi-weekly) if you are interested.
Trying to collect NFV architecture, design, use cases and looking for new members. Want operators in particular to join. Working to create/promote best practices.
Propose discussing how we will explore this and other opportunities in the next Roadmap team meeting agenda.
Put accomplishments/proposed other Boston Opportunities here for action in future roadmap call