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Discussion items


Announcements - Standing agenda Item - Chance for attendees to briefly educate/celebrate

  • The second Project Teams Gathering (PTG) will be hosted in Denver, September 11-15, 2017.  Do we want a meeting space?  From UC meeting on June 5. ref: UC Meeting: :29:54
    • Fully overlaps with ETSI/NFV as well
  • Cross Working Group - especially Telecom/NFV is evolving.  Now proposing 2 wedennesdays 13 days from now 0500UTC.
  • Proposed we ask for Extreme Testing session.
  • F

Review progress on the following items

Containerized Control Plane Management Development Proposal:

Some discussion about Armada - an open but  AT&T created Helm containerization project.  Jamey volunteered to AT&T developers to introduce it through the LCOO.


Extreme testing:

Sampath updated the wiki page with task list and current status

Working Space for Extreme Testing and related topics

  •  All specialization leads try to use Sampath's page above as a model for getting more deliverable orientation going for these LCOO teams.
  •  Gautam Divgi (Unlicensed) and Sampath Priyankara to finalize collaboration approach for the actions specified above and bring any other interested players to the effort. 

Noted in the meeting that the Slack Channel for this effort should be used: #testing



  • Create a page (similar to extreme testing)





On going meeting needs

  1. LCOO regular weekly , every 2 weeks?
    1. 30 minutes for Coordiantion
    2. 30 minutes for Roadmap topics
  2. Specialization
    1. Sometimes on bridge and more regularly in IRC
    2. Jamey to investigate possible times
    3. Jamey to put offer out to help anyone joining to work out IRC connection

  •  Jamey McCabeJamey to put out new 2 week meeting invite with proposed pattern.

Action items
