Topics to include – Understating Product Working Group's Story Process, how to put together a roadmap, associating timelines to the stories, how to collaborate, etc.
Discussion items
15 min
Learnings from PWG
Andy gave a summary of the potential learnings that the LCOO hopes to gain from the PWG
User stories are to articulate needs (persona within datacenter wants to achieve)
Roadmap - talk with all PTLs and find out their priorities and implementation plans across 3 release horizon
User story - multiple features, functions and move at different timelines
PWG - implemented opensource within community approach - proposed user story (business value, what's trying to be accomplished, scenarios), gaps analysis - specific project by project feature, user story tracker (method to use a dashboard to look across all features, functions, projects)
User story tracker - track status for usage scenarios (user story tracker tool - goes to github etc. to get current state, uses JSON file to parse and get current status - automate as much as possible)
Doug Hellmann is championing cross project release goals and may use same user story tracker
Trying to get to one dashboard tool
Looked at story board originally
Use standard community review mechanisms - invite PTLs to comment on it
A lot of collaboration in gaps analysis
Output is an implementation plan (creating a standard template now)
New project needs to be formed (lowest desired outcome of a user story - takes too long and complex)
User stories are taken by folks that can move the story through (not usually a PTL)
2 version meetings - folks in Japan will collaborate on user stories and US usually and some cross over (easier to collaborate on similar time zones)
Mondays - 3:00 CT US meeting - PWG
PWG - make easier to bring requirements into openstack, work through socializing, actionable and being able to track
LCOO probably spans multiple market segments but has a common thread
Enterprise WG sourcing new enterprise requirements and into community (not subject matter expert), a lot of cross over between enterprise WG and Product work group
How best for LCOO to plug into PWG?
Could LCOO utilize PWG workflow (see above)
Identify items in roadmap that fit PWG charter (span multiple projects and multiple releases) - next meeting Wednesday morning
Then form user story and bring user story through the PWG process
Break roadmap into features and user stories - start with user story most understood
Feature is simple unit (not cross project)
What are large enterprise gaps on existing projects?
Action items
User story tracker team meeting on 1/24 - bring up the possibility of using JIRA (Carol forwarding meeting invite to Andy) - subteam of PWG (could user story tracker load to JIRA?)
Write up a user story ( e.g. 1000 node instance (Toby and Jamey mentioned to Carol) - get on paper and moving forward (define use case from operator perspective) - other ideas: Gluon - We did not commit to this. The roadmap team will discuss and come to concensus around what "Story's" we will pursue.